Tuesday 4 January 2011

A Good Lesson From A Bad Session

Last night I had one of those horrible moments where I played badly, lost money, and then had to go to work the next day after a 2 week break. Now this return to work after Christmas, in these dark and gloomy months of December and January is quite depressing at the best of times but having to get up at 6:30 in the morning after not getting to sleep until about 1:30 AND after I knew I played bloody awful at poker is just a grim combination all round.

However, there is ALWAYS something to be gained from a losing session. As I lay there trying to get to sleep, a silver lining did waft over with the cloud; I do believe I learnt a very important lesson: GO WITH YOUR READ.

The Worst Hand I've Played So Far This Year

The hand, as I mentioned in the last post, was where I folded to a raise that I actually intended to induce! As far as I recall, the 3 3 8 flop was checked all round as I held A K. The turn brought an ace which I checked  - knowing, with very high probability, that I had the best hand and that any raise was handing me the money. Anyway, when Mr Tight raised AND Mr Loose called, something just prevented me from continuing with the hand. (What a plonker!) Needless to say as the hands were revealed at the end it was clear (obviously) that I had folded the winning hand and I would have taken down something well in excess of $60!

Let me just write that lesson one more time: GO WITH YOUR READ.

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