Monday 10 January 2011

Another Long Climb Out Of The Mire

This evening, I played 249 hands while two-tabling at nl100 and yet again it involved ANOTHER session of digging myself out of yet another deep hole that I fell into early doors. This time I wasn't helped by flopping a full-house and then getting beaten on the river by a higher full-house! Don't even start accusing me of letting them in cheap cos you just don't expect to get outdrawn on the river when you flop a full-house!! This time I was down $135 after about 130 hands.

This sinking into a hole routine just seems to be happening virtually every session. I play solid poker yet still endure not one but quite a few nasty river cards, over a few hands, which give my opponents the rewards - and then I'm forever fighting to get back to break even. It's an uphill struggle I really don't need. Anyway, with sheer aggression and a few cards eventually coming my way I managed to claw myself back out of the hole and actually ended being UP ($20) for the session.

In fact, it sounds masochistic but sometimes this is what I just love about this game. The fact that you can endure these black clouds, keep to your principles and keep your focus and reap the rewards. Anyway here's the graph to show how my ducking and diving and wheeling and dealing got me out of the hole again:

The last hand, by the way, saw me hit trips on the turn and then complete my hand to a full-house on the river. All in all, I'd say this session turned out to be a bit of an up and down thrill ride.

P.S. Looking at these charts tells me that I have played around 1750 hands in 10 days. If I were to project this amount into a prediction into how many hands I am to play then it comes to around 5K per month and around 63000 for the year. The subject of hands to be played needs to be explored and in a later post I intend to discuss this further. Until then, with the time at 12:40AM and a full day's work looming tomorrow, I really need to hit the sack.

Until then, take care... Uncle Wobble.

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