Wednesday 26 January 2011

Set Alight The Satellite

Did you see what I did there with the title? Clever eh?

Well, as my online bankroll continues to swirl down the plughole, I've decided to stop losing large chunks of money at the cash tables and lose less sums of money by playing some satellites instead. I'm going to start playing more satellites for The Masters and The Prestige which are fairly large buy-in MTTs held by PKR. At least this way, I'm not continuing to throw money away at the cash tables - which are just doing my head in at the moment.

The satellites are just $9 and $12 respectively. The former gives you a 1 in 6 chance to get through to Stage 3 (penultimate stage) of The Masters, while the latter is a 1 in 10 chance that lands you a place right in the $109 buy-in Prestige.

At the moment, I'm seriously considering taking $4K out from my bankroll and just playing at any level that takes my fancy with the rest of my balance, thereby just putting two fingers up to the whole bankroll management thing. I know this will be a major "sell-out" and will make a mockery of what I've written in previous posts about sticking to my task but I'm really starting to think that if I'm a "casual/recreational", semi-serious player then who am I kidding to be treating the whole thing like I'm some sort of pro!?

I know that if I do go this route then it will put my effective starting bankroll at $2K with a non-existant bankroll management strategy behind it. This, no doubt, will lead me to taking the path of depositing and withdrawing, withdrawing and depositing which is really not what I wanted to do. Many of my "Dos & Don'ts" will also inevitably go out the window as well and so the blog may be untenable and its days, unfortunately, numbered.

I know that I mentioned the possibility of doing something like a "$500-$5000 challenge" but I don't know if I'll have the patience for something like that. Either way, I really need to give this some thought and will let you know what decision I make.

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