Saturday 15 January 2011

Live Session #1: Idiot Floor Manager (Part 1)

As I explained in my previous post, today I set forth to play my first live poker session of the year. All told, it was a successful evening but my story comes with a warning to anyone who wants to cashout £500+ from The Empire Casino without being a member or without taking ID.

As planned, I took out £250 from the cash machine and left my debit card at home. It was early afternoon and I made my way into town and had my £7 haircut at Mr Toppers along Tottenham Court Road - and very nice it was too. I trudged past all the Oxford Street shoppers and then entered The Empire Casino and was pleased to see that a new table was just about to start. This, by the way, is always the best way to start a cash game as everyone is starting from scratch. You see how much players are buying in for, suss out who seems confident and who seems "noobish", and everyone starts on a level playing field.

Anyway, I took out my £250 in cash, got my chips and settled down to play. The play, far from being loose/aggressive, was more like loose/insane! By the second orbit it was clear that at least two players just loved to throw their chips into the pot and two more players just hated to fold!! Anyway, I didn't have to wait long for my jackpot hand; I looked down at A7 of spades and saw a flop of three spades! Not only did a player raise to £21 in early position but another player raised it to ~£45 before it even got to me. I considered my options, for what must have seemed like a long time, and decided to flat call when the next player to my left raised all in for £150!! (He must have read me for the flush draw.) Mr Lunatic called, another player folded so I raised all-in and Mr Lunatic called for the extra £70 or so. With me pleading that the board did NOT pair I was happy to see brick, brick and I showed the nut flush. The villain who raised the £150 had a smaller flush and God knows what Mr Lunatic had. Anyway, I must have scooped a pot of over £600 right there!

The very next hand I got dealt AK and saw a flop of A J x. The loosie goosie villain put in a big bet and I just raised all-in hoping not to see him hold AJ. He called and showed AQ. The turn was another king and I scooped another big pot of ~£300! I played maybe for another hour or for about three or four more orbits before deciding to leave to cash my £900 worth of chips. This was when the real fun started. In my next post I'll tell you about the fun I had with the floor manager when I went to cashout my chips...

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