Friday 21 January 2011

A Day Off Work and a Rant

After staying on late at work on Thursday night due to commitments (parent's evening), I decided I needed the day off work today and phoned in sick. Now although I don't have any physical symptoms of the usual illnesses that make people take a day off, I do believe that the odd day off to relieve mental stress is an absolute necessity - especially in a trade such as the teaching profession. If you don't take the odd day off to relieve both the mental and physical strain that the job demands, then I really reckon you can push yourself over the edge, I really do.

I know teachers have plenty of holidays and there are, of course, the weekends to recover from the madness but sometimes these just aren't enough. It's a work environment where you're constantly and relentlessly having your tolerance and patience tested. It's taken for granted that you have to expend the energy to guide the students, give them credit for their work, actually teach them something AND make sure they don't fuck about. Then there's the torrent of admin tasks being thrown at you left, right and bleedin' centre (over half of which are TOTALLY pointless - but must be done anyway). Oh, then there's the endless meetings, the marking of books and coursework and the preparation of lessons! By the end of the day you're feeling pretty exhausted I can tell you - it's a wonder I actually have the stamina to play poker on a work-day at all!

Even at home while I'm tring to enjoy the day off I get my balls busted from all angles.

Life can be well-tough innit?

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