Wednesday 19 January 2011

On The Slide. Back to $100nl.

Well, that was short-lived. A short 15 minute session at the $200nl tables after work consisting of a couple of nasty river cards costing me $250 was all that was needed to send me back down to earth with a big bump. It's not that I played particularly badly (well, letting the villain in cheap to hit his flush draw on the river was kinda crap) but it did knock me back. 

On top of this, all I've seen are my villains hitting their draws 100% of the time and just nothing really going my way. With an added $100 going up the spout tonight at the $0.50/$1 game it means that my bankroll has slipped to $4.58K. This is just a bit dis-heartening as I'm now down $420 this year after such a good start. All this, of course, means that I'm scurrying back off to play the $100nl game for a while until I can try to repair some of the damage. I'm going to stick to $100nl until I can try to get the bankroll back up to $5K again.

In fact, with the way I feel right now, if I do get down to $4K I just feel like pulling the plug on the whole damn thing. I don't know if I feel like playing any more poker this evening as I'm feeling a bit tired and, no doubt, tilted. Also, with work commitments on tomorrow evening, I don't think I'll be able to play tomorrow either.

It just doesn't feel like it's happening at the moment and I'm not feeling great about it. Maybe an early night is in order.
The long haul back begins. $60 clawed back and my bankroll goes to $4.64K.


  1. Chin up time sir. It's a brutal game buts thats why we like it! Also, in a rather unrelated note, I remember in one of your first blogs you said you would never go pro (regardless of your skill level). Would be curious to know your thoughts behind this.

  2. Main reason not to go pro is that I just aint good enough. Other reason is that I couldn't put that much volume in at those stakes - my multi-tabling skills need brushing up. Third reason is I don't think I have the mental strength. Fourth reason is I've already got a good steady income from quite a well-paid job. Fifth reason is I have a missus and two teenage daughters to support. Sixth reason is I like single-tabling and just two-tabling... The list could go on but I reckon that's enough for now.
